Sunday, September 16, 2018

What I am about to say cannot change the minds and hearts of my brothers and sisters from loving me. Their hearts are already in the place it is, with their feelings about me. Growing up, I never discussed or talked about my life woes with anyone not even my siblings. My father was the only person I talked to and he was my life line, my protector. The reason I am saying this is because it annoys me when people message me posts about how loving a mother is. I don’t know what a mother’s love feels like. Stop sending me love stories about a mother and her child, it brings back memories and it hurts. Not every mother loves her child. I grew up with a mother who did not like me and she showed me how much she did not, but it was not always a bad day with her. There were days when the things she did and said to me, showed me how to be a good person and I am a good person. I have said on many occasions that I know how it feels to be loved and I know how it feels to be hated. I never complained to my mother about how she treated me because I know that she loved me as much as her heart allowed her to love me.
Happy Sunday to you and your family. Enjoy your day and be safe.

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