Monday, September 17, 2018

Life is America is not a bed of roses. Haters comes into your space in a flash. We Black people are our worst enemy. I saw a video of an African American woman sitting on a bus, very excited that ICE was on the bus checking for illegals. This situation reminds me of working at a company in Manhattan many years ago. A few weeks after I was hired an African American woman was hired. We had our own worked station doing typing and filing. When we had a break she and I would chat a little. She wanted to know where I was from and I told her Trinidad and Tobago. My Spirit did not take he so I hardly said anything to her. One day she smilingly said, “I made some extra money today.” When I asked her where she said her neighbor was an illegal immigrant, and she reported her. She also said that she did it because she did not like immigrants they take away jobs from American.
I said, “I am an immigrant.”
She said, “Yes I know but I saw your ID.”
“How did you see my ID?”
She said, “One day when you were away from your desk, I looked in your hand bag.”
I said, “I am going to report you for going into my hand bag. You know management talked about stealing?”
“I did not thief anything from you.”
 “I know that but I wonder what management would say about you going into my hand bag?” I wanted to scare her to stop her from being devious, but she left the job.

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