Tuesday, September 18, 2018

This story pissed me off the first time I heard it and now after 20 years they put themselves back into the limelight and it elevated my disgust. Woody Allen and his ex-girlfriend Mia Farrow’s adopted daughter Soon-Yi Previn. First, I must say she looks as old as his ass. I listen to her trashing her adopted mother, saying how bad of a mother Mia Farrow was, and Allen made her feel valued. Yes, he valued her straight into his bed although he and her mother were still together. Mia found out that Woody and her adopted daughter were in a relationship, when she found nude pictures of Soon-Yi in Woody’s home. Mia Farrow adopted Soon-Yi when she was 6 to give her a better life and her thanks was to take her adopted mother’s man. Girl take a good look in a mirror and ask yourself, if you want to live with a man who is sucking up your youthfulness, to gratify his old ass.

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