Sunday, September 2, 2018

A blessed safe Sunday to you and your family.

I saw a video where two young men, one with a gun and the other with a bag, walked into a church, while service was going on, and they robbed the parishioners. The priests or pastors at the altar stopped praising God and looked on. I am on this earth 58 years and I know what we are hearing and seeing about the church is not new. Many priests, pastors, bishops etc. Stand at the altar, preach or speak what they believe their parishioners want to here, yet they are immoral, wicked and dishonest. Clerics with wondering minds and unclean hearts. I believe when you do right by God, the devil sits in his corner with his trap shut, waiting on someone to be sinful. When you bring vulgarity, immoral sexual behavior and theft into the house of God, the church is no longer sanctified, the devil is in charge. Parishioner be careful who you ask to pray for you, who you make touch you. Not everyone who say, “Our Father,” is praying to Our Father who art in heaven.
Read your bible from the beginning. Read a chapter a day. Have a journal and pencil; to take notes. Do not wait on your priest, pastor, bishop etc., to read it for you.

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