Thursday, September 13, 2018

Someone sent me a video of a woman cussing a man for leaving his daughter in JFK Airport. Have you seen this video?
The woman was saying, “You is a fucking dog. You call your daughter and tell she to come to NY. She paid she fucking money to come and you leave she and your grandchild in fucking JFK. I had to call somebody to pick she up. You is a fucking dog, you is a stinking Mother Cunt. You know how long I looking for you this morning?  You is a dog. You is a stinking Mother Cunt. If you pick up a woman she have to love you and your children too. It is a package deal.
That woman was so angry she told one of the people with her to video tape it.
You know how much years I did not hear a Trinbago woman cuss so sweet. “Dat man have guts oui. He stand up and take he cussing. I don’t know them but I have a copy. Hysterical.

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