Friday, September 14, 2018

I made a big out Sunday and Monday and I must say we are our worst enemy. Yes, I am supposed to take in sugar but not a lot of it. My dearest cousin Wayne sent me a fruit cake and I ate one slice on Sunday. I felt fine so Monday I had another slice. Tuesday morning, I woke up with stff legs, pain in my lower back, glutes and legs. I know too much sugar does that to me. I took two Aleve but it did not work. I drank one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in water. The pain slowed down a bit. My sister Zoylar and Claudette both told me to mix one teaspoon of baking soda in water and drink it. I did and then the pains went away. I had cheesecake for my birthday but I did not eat as much of it and I was fine. That fruit cake was another story. Sugar is like a drug it tastes really good but the after effects are painful.

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