Monday, September 24, 2018

Enjoy your day and be safe.

The plot thickens. Another woman came forward. The Republicans are blaming the Democrats for these women coming forth. Christine Blasey Ford, is the first woman to come forward about the sexual assault she received at a party when she was in high school. She alleged that Judge Brett Kavanaugh, President Donald Trump’s U.S. Supreme Court nominee was the culprit. Deborah Ramirez, is the second woman. She said that when they were freshmen at Yale University, she, Kavanaugh and some other students were playing a drinking game, in a dorm room. She recalls being on the floor, slurring her words when a male student exposed himself, then he shoved his penis in her face.  Judge Brett Kavanaugh, said this never happened. I say what in darkness is going to come to light and truth is going to prevail.

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