Wednesday, September 5, 2018

During the Trade Union strike Harold said that some men went back to work so they were called scabs, some were hunted down and beaten. Months later he found out that some men were on the strike line during the day and would go to work at nights. When he realized that they were being used like pawns by the union, he decided to go back to work. One day some men came at the job asking for him. He knew one of them so he told him let’s go outside and talk. After explaining that he was the person they were looking for, and the name he knew him by was his nickname. The man then told the other men, that Harold was his friend and they can’t do him anything so they left. Harold said the strike ended after the strikers were on the breadline for months. The men who stayed on the bread line to the end, never got back their jobs. It might feel good to strike but after weeks, months etc., go by and no resolution you start feeling the repercussion from your Stand. The Union is a necessary evil. They make promises of victory, but it is never victorious for everyone.

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