Sunday, September 23, 2018

A wonderful safe Sunday to you and your family.

You have to be in it to know it. Some people are trash talking and saying that Christine Blasey Ford, a psychology professor at Palo Alto University in California, is not being truthful about the sexual assault she received at a party when she was in high school. She alleges Judge Brett Kavanaugh, President Donald Trump’s U.S. Supreme Court nominee sexually assaulted her. This woman took a lie detector test and passed. I don’t believe that she wants to spite this man. I believe she wants closure. She wants him to admit to it and apologize. If he had done this, years ago, this story would not come to light. Now she is going to testify in front of a bunch of fuddy-duddy old men. Some men believe that women are entitled to them and some women believe that they are their man’s property. 

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