Saturday, February 28, 2015

Talking to a child is a precious moment.

Children do stupid and crazy things. Some of it is funny and some serious. Instead of flying off your handle, grabbing a belt and start beating him/her, you should have a serious talk with them. You can have that talk even if they are one year old. Make sure you are both face to face. A nice position for the talk with the smaller ones —1- 4 years, is the dining table or the kitchen counter. Put him/her to sit on it. If they are on the dining table, you should sit on a chair as close as possible in front of him/her. On the counter you should stand closely in front of him/her. Now you are face to face. They might look as though they are not listening/hearing you, but they are. Talk in a serious, but gentle tone. Talking to them is good. They are the most understanding people in the world and it would be priceless.

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