Tuesday, February 24, 2015

“A story but true” A Valentine Joseph. Part 3 of 3

Jennifer and Pauline arrived at the bar-b-q. Gerald was not there. Carmen welcomed them warmly, she made sure they were served and she stood talking to them. Jennifer was enjoying herself until Carmen said, “Here is my darling husband. Please excuse me.” She turned and walked up to him, he kissed her on her lips then they stood talking for a moment. Carmen laughed at something he said then he walked towards the house. His eyes and Jennifer’s made four. He frowned with wonderment on his face. Jennifer smiled cunningly at him.
“Are you seeing the expression on his face?” Pauline asked smiling.
“Yes. He looks traumatized. I wondered how I would feel when I saw him. Although I am angry, I am enjoying this laughable moment. I like Carmen. She is a wonderful hostess… genuine, warm and kind. I know he will try his best to be alone with me, but I will not disrespect her or her home, so do not leave me alone.”
“Jen you know you are my favorite sister. We are stuck together like Siamese twins,” Pauline said and she chuckled.
“Yeah we are conjoined, but I am your only sister,” Jennifer said and they both laughed.
“Let’s go and sit at the table with my co-worker. It’s ten of them so you will be safe from him.”
The evening was going nicely and Jennifer was enjoying herself, then she got a text from Gerald, “What are you doing here? We need to talk.” She did not respond, but looked to see where he was. He was standing in a corner away from everyone, signaling for her to come. She felt that he was crazy, she ignored him and continued talking with Pauline and her co-workers. They left an hour later. On the way home Gerald called Jennifer’s cell phone.
“He must be real upset. You got more than ten calls from him.  I know you want to avoid him, but you have to talk to him to make sure it is ended,” Pauline said.
“I will talk to him, but not tonight. Let him stew in his own sauce. I want to sleep on it because I do not want to be hasty with my word.”
 Her phones rang most of the night and for a moment she wanted to talk to him, but she didn’t. When her door bell rang at eight o’clock in the morning, she smiled, stood on the inside then said, “Who is it?”
“It’s Gerald. Can I come in?”
“No! Our relationship is over! You are not welcomed here!”
“Why did you come to my home? Did you come to hurt my wife!?”
“No! I wanted to see what your life was like and I did see that you have a happy home so why did you talk to me, start a relationship with me and have sex with me!?”
“Can I come in, please?”
“No! Do you remember when you told me that she means nothing too you?”
“I am sorry.”
“I know you are sorry that you got caught in your lies.”
“Are you going to tell her?” Gerald asked in a pathetic voice.
 You are a selfish, disrespectful man to me, but more to your wife and children.”
“Please do not tell her.” She knew that she was not going to say anything to his wife, but she wanted him to sweat. “Jennifer I am pleading with you. Please do not tell her.”
“Why shouldn’t I? You are a liar and a real jackass!”
“I love my family. I cannot lose my home.”
“You love me and she means nothing to you… That’s what you told me.”
“Jennifer, please, I am sorry. She is my wife and the mother of my children. I don’t want to hurt her.”
“You should have thought about that before you talked to me.”
“I was wrong and I am sorry.” His voice sounded as though he wanted to cry and she smiled. “Go home to your wife and children, Gerald. Do not call or come to my home again!
“Do I have your word that you won’t say anything to my wife?”
“You should know the kind of woman I am. Go home.” She walked to the window and pulled the curtain slightly. He walked as though he was broken and she felt great…

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