Monday, February 23, 2015

“Stop nagging. It’s stupid!”

What are you complaining, protesting about? Is it a broken glass or plate? Is it the clothes your child is dressed in…yours? Is it that failing grade? Is it that item that was taken, but not asked for? What is your annoyance?
I believe that situations like those mentioned are meant to be. They are place in our space to test our love for the people close to us. Women do most of the grumbling about them. They would spend the day griping and moaning acting as though it is the end of the world. Most men might talk about it for a moment, but then they would let it all go with a shrug of their shoulders.

It’s a brand new day so thank God for seeing it. Stop nagging about stupid things. Smile about it. Enjoy your day and be safe.

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