Friday, February 13, 2015

“A story but true” Part 1

They started dating and everything was great. He did not say no to anything she wanted and she did not say no to him. She thought he was her everything and she was his. One day she was at a restaurant having dinner with friends when she saw him sitting at a table in a corner with a woman. He was holding one of the woman’s hand, brought it to his lips then he placed a gift rapped box in it. This brought a smile to the woman’s lips as she opened the gift. It was a bracelet that looked like the gold one Jennifer was wearing.
This scene played out like one of the intimate moments she spent with him. Her friends were all chatting and laughing so they did not see what she was looking at. She felt hurt and humiliated, but pretended to be enjoying the conversation at the table with hopes that none of her friends see him. This was the man she introduced to them and boasted about. When she got home the hurt she was feeling was on over ride because she couldn’t get him on the phone. He eventually phoned her the next evening. His excuse for not calling was that he was called out to work, his phone was not working in the area he was, he got home very late and he was tried.
“I saw you last night with a woman.” She detailed the clothes he and the woman were wearing.
“Oh damn! I’m so sorry. She doesn’t mean anything to me. I am coming to see you now.”
He came. Gave a speech about how sorry he was, it was the first time he went out with the woman, she means nothing to him, “I love you.”
She was angry, but then as days went by she forgave him. After that incident everything seemed fine until one day she was at the right place at the right time and he was again with the woman. She walked up to them with a happy smile on her face.
“Hi Gerald. This is a surprise.”
He smiled but his eyes were saying please don’t say anything as he said, “Hi Jennifer, this is truly a surprise. I would like to introduce you to my wife… 

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