Tuesday, February 10, 2015

On a personal note. Hats off, to all the people who adopt a child/children and show them kindness.

Paul and Sarah used to nag us to adopt a child. My husband said that you have to be ready and able to do it, but he believes in helping a child if you could. I agreed with him. They were upset and every now and then they would bring up adoption. Adoption is not taking place, but helping a child as much as I could, is my mantra.
One day we saw the movie Orphan. At the dinner table that night we talked about it. Paul said, “When you take someone into your home you are really hoping and praying that they are a good person.”
“True, but since I’ve seen Orphan, I have two minds about adoption,” Sarah said.
“I don’t have two minds. I am not adopting, but I will do what mom and dad do. I am going to help someone as much as I could...

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