Monday, February 2, 2015

I really cannot stop talking about this. The MMR--- Measles, Mumps and Rubella, shot is important!

Rubella is German measles and if a woman is pregnant and she gets it, she could have a miscarriage or the baby may be born with serious disabilities. I had Rubella when I was 17 and I thought I was going to die because of how sick I was feeling. A fever and a terrible headache were going on for days. All the glands in my neck were swollen. I was covered from head to toe with a red rash that was itching and at one point it hurt. My brown eyes were red and the white had little red dots. When you looked at my finger and toe nails they looked polka dot because of the red dots. Red dots were on the white of my eyes, in the palm of my hands and under the soles of my feet. The doctor in the hospital treated me for allergies because it was Easter and it was sea food time. I went to my private doctor and he said that it was Rubella--- German Measles and he treated me. I am talking about this because Measles, Mumps and Rubella are contagious diseases. They can kill.

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