Saturday, February 28, 2015

My daughter Sarah had her 2 year old stupid crazy moments. One day she stood on the head board of her bed. It was metal and about a 10 inch diameter. When I saw her I froze for a moment because it was scary to see her standing there with her arms opened wide, looking like a gymnast who was ready to make a tumble. I was thinking if she fell on the bed it might not be a bad fall but if she fell on the floor that could be a disaster. I calmly said to her, “Let me see you jump on the bed.”
“Jump?” She asked.
“Yes. Jump now.”
She did. I clapped my hands and shouted, “Nice jump.” I knelt on the floor, held her hand then I gave her a speech about climbing on the head board can break it and I know she loves her bed. “I don’t want it to break. I won’t do it again,” She said.
That was the end of it. She still did stupid crazy funny things, but nothing to cause a heart attack.  
When my son, Paul was 2 years, he lived with his grandmother, my mother-in-law. One day after she bathes and dressed him, she started to cook. While she was cooking he called her, “Granny come and see me!” She told him she was coming and when she went, he was standing on the window sill. There was a bar on the window, but the window was opened a little higher than the bar. He was excited because he felt he did something great. She said that her heart was racing as she walked slowly towards him, smiling and telling him how brave he was. She took him down and she held him close and said, “Paul you nearly gave your granny a heart attack.”
“A heart attack?” He asked.
“Granny. I sorry.”
“Don’t do that again.”
I spoke to him on the phone. I told him, if his granny got a heart attack, she would die. Do you want granny to die?”
“No I love my granny. She is nice.”
“That is a good thing, so do not go up on that window sill or any other sill again.”
He told his grandmother that he would not do it again. Paul kept his word; he still did stupid things, but nothing that crazy. He did no get licks, but we talked and talk to him. He is a son to be proud of.

Talking to a child is a precious moment.

Children do stupid and crazy things. Some of it is funny and some serious. Instead of flying off your handle, grabbing a belt and start beating him/her, you should have a serious talk with them. You can have that talk even if they are one year old. Make sure you are both face to face. A nice position for the talk with the smaller ones —1- 4 years, is the dining table or the kitchen counter. Put him/her to sit on it. If they are on the dining table, you should sit on a chair as close as possible in front of him/her. On the counter you should stand closely in front of him/her. Now you are face to face. They might look as though they are not listening/hearing you, but they are. Talk in a serious, but gentle tone. Talking to them is good. They are the most understanding people in the world and it would be priceless.

Friday, February 27, 2015

People need to stop beating children. I believe if they look at themselves in action as they strike that innocent precious child, they would see how cruel, unbalanced and deranged they look.

Ethan Ali, 3yrs old was pronounced dead at his home in Brownsville, Brooklyn on Wednesday. His body was covered with belt marks and bruises. Leroy Ali, his grandfather, said that he is beaten all the time. His aunt’s boyfriend called the police when he saw her holding Ethan’s lifeless body. She confessed to beating him. 

Thursday, February 26, 2015

On a personal note!

I can swim. I learnt how to do it, in the sea and swimming pools, in Trinbago. I can even snorkel. It has been 26 years since I did it. Although I know I can still do it, I am not going to get into the waters of NY or into any swimming pool. My major gripe today, is about schools taking children on trips and swimming is included in the activities. I know that there are swimming pools in hotels, but I feel that schools should cross off that activity, especially if the children cannot swim. My children do not taking swim suits on trips because they cannot swim so they are not to go into the water.

“When you start measuring somebody, measure him right ... Make sure you done take into account what hills and valleys he come through before he got wherever he is.” ― Lorraine Hansberry (1930-1965)

It's dangerous, son.' 'What's dangerous?' 'When a man goes outside his house to look for peace.” ― Lorraine Hansberry (1930-1965)

Never wound a snake; kill it~ Harriet Tubman (1820-1913)

Never be afraid to sit awhile and think~ Lorraine Hansberry (1930-1965)

There is always something left to love. And if you ain't learned that, you ain't learned nothing~ Lorraine Hansberry (1930-1965)…

As the old folks in Trinbago used to say, “Beh beh oui dor dor. “Well, well yes. Is morning and I am still sleepy.” Ah yawning as though it is night. Thank you God for making me see another day. I hope you are up and ready to face the day. Jump high…Jump low, your day is already written and the chapters are set. I hope it is a day filled with love, peace and harmony. Enjoy and be safe.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

As one face differs from another, so does one human heart from another. The neither world and the abyss are never satisfied; so too the eyes of men. Prov. 27:19-20
If everything in your life is going in your favor, then life is good so do not crave greener pastures. As the old folks in Trinbago used to say, “Monkey eye deep all about. Yuh to cravetious — greedy… That is not a good thing.

A wonderful safe day to you and yours.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

“A story but true” A Valentine Joseph. Part 3 of 3

Jennifer and Pauline arrived at the bar-b-q. Gerald was not there. Carmen welcomed them warmly, she made sure they were served and she stood talking to them. Jennifer was enjoying herself until Carmen said, “Here is my darling husband. Please excuse me.” She turned and walked up to him, he kissed her on her lips then they stood talking for a moment. Carmen laughed at something he said then he walked towards the house. His eyes and Jennifer’s made four. He frowned with wonderment on his face. Jennifer smiled cunningly at him.
“Are you seeing the expression on his face?” Pauline asked smiling.
“Yes. He looks traumatized. I wondered how I would feel when I saw him. Although I am angry, I am enjoying this laughable moment. I like Carmen. She is a wonderful hostess… genuine, warm and kind. I know he will try his best to be alone with me, but I will not disrespect her or her home, so do not leave me alone.”
“Jen you know you are my favorite sister. We are stuck together like Siamese twins,” Pauline said and she chuckled.
“Yeah we are conjoined, but I am your only sister,” Jennifer said and they both laughed.
“Let’s go and sit at the table with my co-worker. It’s ten of them so you will be safe from him.”
The evening was going nicely and Jennifer was enjoying herself, then she got a text from Gerald, “What are you doing here? We need to talk.” She did not respond, but looked to see where he was. He was standing in a corner away from everyone, signaling for her to come. She felt that he was crazy, she ignored him and continued talking with Pauline and her co-workers. They left an hour later. On the way home Gerald called Jennifer’s cell phone.
“He must be real upset. You got more than ten calls from him.  I know you want to avoid him, but you have to talk to him to make sure it is ended,” Pauline said.
“I will talk to him, but not tonight. Let him stew in his own sauce. I want to sleep on it because I do not want to be hasty with my word.”
 Her phones rang most of the night and for a moment she wanted to talk to him, but she didn’t. When her door bell rang at eight o’clock in the morning, she smiled, stood on the inside then said, “Who is it?”
“It’s Gerald. Can I come in?”
“No! Our relationship is over! You are not welcomed here!”
“Why did you come to my home? Did you come to hurt my wife!?”
“No! I wanted to see what your life was like and I did see that you have a happy home so why did you talk to me, start a relationship with me and have sex with me!?”
“Can I come in, please?”
“No! Do you remember when you told me that she means nothing too you?”
“I am sorry.”
“I know you are sorry that you got caught in your lies.”
“Are you going to tell her?” Gerald asked in a pathetic voice.
 You are a selfish, disrespectful man to me, but more to your wife and children.”
“Please do not tell her.” She knew that she was not going to say anything to his wife, but she wanted him to sweat. “Jennifer I am pleading with you. Please do not tell her.”
“Why shouldn’t I? You are a liar and a real jackass!”
“I love my family. I cannot lose my home.”
“You love me and she means nothing to you… That’s what you told me.”
“Jennifer, please, I am sorry. She is my wife and the mother of my children. I don’t want to hurt her.”
“You should have thought about that before you talked to me.”
“I was wrong and I am sorry.” His voice sounded as though he wanted to cry and she smiled. “Go home to your wife and children, Gerald. Do not call or come to my home again!
“Do I have your word that you won’t say anything to my wife?”
“You should know the kind of woman I am. Go home.” She walked to the window and pulled the curtain slightly. He walked as though he was broken and she felt great…

“A story but true” A Valentine Joseph. Part 2 of 3

Jennifer walked away from Gerald and his wife. Her emotions were running high and her tears blinded her. She wiped her eyes quickly. The items she had in the shopping cart were no longer appealing so she turned, walked away from it and headed out of the store. The twenty minutes it took to get to her home felt like hours. She parked her car and she prayed that everyone in her home were not around because she did not want to talk. Her sister, Pauline was sitting at the dining table eating.
“Hi Jen. What’s going on? Why do you look so distraught?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Did someone do something?”
She sat down and cried for a moment then she said, “Do you remember the guy I told you about.”
“Gerald right?” Pauline asked.
“You never introduced him to us. You know dad and mom would want to meet him?”
“I had planned too bring him home, but he is married.”
“I saw him with a woman and he introduced her to me as his wife.”
“Wow! That is why you are so distraught.  How serious was your relationship with him?”
“I love him and he says he loves me.”
“He has a wife and…
“I wish she was dead!” Jennifer said.
“No! It is unfair to her because she did not ask you to be in a relationship with her husband! I had clients who were happy that their husband’s were in extramarital relationships, but this woman doesn’t know you are with her husband. Why do you think you should curse her? Wishing her dead is a curse! You should not curse anyone because that evil prayer will fall on you!”
“I’m sorry, but I love him.”
“I know you are sorry, but loving him doesn’t give you the rights to curse her. He lied to you and he is not trustworthy! Do you have a picture of him?”
Jennifer found one in her wallet and handed it to Pauline. “Oh my God! This is Gerald Harvey and his wife is Carmen. They have three children. Carmen and I work in the same department at social services. She is a very nice person.”
“He has children?”
“Yes, a teenager and eleven year old twins. I have been to their house on many occasions. They are a loving couple and the children are very pleasant. He lied to you. You are pretty, have a nice body, kindhearted and trustworthy. The kind of young lady any parent would be proud of and mom and dad are proud of you. Men like him prey on women like you. Do not let him take away your dignity.”
“You are right. If I knew he was married I would not have gotten involved with him. I still feel hurt, but I feel a lot better talking to you. I am going to end it.”
They were quiet for a moment then Pauline said, “Carmen invited me to a Bar-B-Q this weekend at her home. You can come with me because I know you would be dignified.”
“It would be nice to see how he reacts when he sees me,” Jennifer said smiling deviously…

“A story but true” A Valentine Joseph. Part 1 of 3

They started dating and everything was great. He did not say no to anything she wanted and she did not say no to him. She thought he was her everything and she was his. One day she was at a restaurant having dinner with friends when she saw him sitting at a table in a corner with a woman. He was holding one of the woman’s hand, brought it to his lips then he placed a gift rapped box in it. This brought a smile to the woman’s lips as she opened the gift. It was a bracelet that looked like the gold one Jennifer was wearing.
This scene played out like one of the intimate moments she spent with him. Her friends were all chatting and laughing so they did not see what she was looking at. She felt hurt and humiliated, but pretended to be enjoying the conversation at the table with hopes that none of her friends see him. This was the man she introduced to them and boasted about. When she got home the hurt she was feeling was on over ride because she couldn’t get him on the phone. He eventually phoned her the next evening. His excuse for not calling was that he was called out to work, his phone was not working in the area he was, he got home very late and he was tried.
“I saw you last night with a woman.” She detailed the clothes he and the woman were wearing.
“Oh damn! I’m so sorry. She doesn’t mean anything to me. I am coming to see you now.”
He came. Gave a speech about how sorry he was, it was the first time he went out with the woman, she means nothing to him, “I love you.”
She was angry, but then as days went by she forgave him. After that incident everything seemed fine until one day she was at the right place at the right time and he was again with the woman. She walked up to them with a happy smile on her face.
“Hi Gerald. This is a surprise.”
He smiled but his eyes were saying please don’t say anything as he said, “Hi Jennifer, this is truly a surprise. I would like to introduce you to my wife… 

Monday, February 23, 2015

“Stop nagging. It’s stupid!”

What are you complaining, protesting about? Is it a broken glass or plate? Is it the clothes your child is dressed in…yours? Is it that failing grade? Is it that item that was taken, but not asked for? What is your annoyance?
I believe that situations like those mentioned are meant to be. They are place in our space to test our love for the people close to us. Women do most of the grumbling about them. They would spend the day griping and moaning acting as though it is the end of the world. Most men might talk about it for a moment, but then they would let it all go with a shrug of their shoulders.

It’s a brand new day so thank God for seeing it. Stop nagging about stupid things. Smile about it. Enjoy your day and be safe.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

As my father would say, “Dem talking shit… Damn fools!”

I looked at Trinidad and Tobago week in review and the biggest story was about the young lady wining on Dr. Rowley. Who cares? All the fuddy-duddies, those people who are not born Trinbagonians and those who never participated in carnival are the ones who care…Talking shit about Rowley. If you participated in carnival you would know that women wine on men, they know and men they don’t know.

Moving on; I heard that cops are going to charge six people with Dana Seetahal’s murder. If they got the right people, I pray that they would start singing like the queen’s canary.

I don’t know what it is like in your neck of the woods, but in mine, everything outside is covered with snow and ice. If you are heading out in it, watch your steps. Make sure your boots have ridges… traction to trap the snow or suction the ice so you would not slip or slide. I hope today is a better day for you and yours. Enjoy your day and be safe.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Life is a two way street. Be kind, gentle and loving. If she/he always says, “YES” to you, it is time for you to say, “YES” to him/her. Do not wait until she/he say, “NO” because as the old Trinbbago folks used to say, “You go miss de water, when de well run dry.”

This is my last letter Dear, to you. This is my last letter, baby. I just can’t write you anymore. My poor little finger’s swollen. I’m tired of pacing the floor. Yes, I am. Threw away our favorite record. It was tearing me apart. This is my seventh letter, baby. Just to satisfy my heart. (One) Monday, I wrote and told you. I was all alone and blue. (Two) Tuesday, I wrote again, baby. I said I loved no one, no one, no one but you. No, I don’t. (Three) Wednesday, I wired you a cable, begging you to call. (Four) Thursday, I sent the message. I said, I was wrong and, darling, please come back home. (Five) Friday, I woke up crying. With the sniff of a tear. (Six) Come along long lonesome Saturday. I did the same thing all over again. Yes, I did. (Seven) This is my seventh letter, baby. On this bright Sunday morning. Just got off my knees from praying. I said, Oh, LORD. Oh, LORD, Please send her back home. Can’t she hear me talking to her? (This is my last letter Dear, to you) Seven letters. Seven days. Seven long lonely, days. There, I said it. This is my last letter Dear, to you. Yes, it is. Oh yes, it is. —Ben E King Seven Letters.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Canticle of Canticle or Song of Solomon 7:1-10

How beautiful are thy feet with sandals, O prince’s daughter! Your rounded thighs are like jewels, the handiwork of an artist. Your navel is a round bowl that should never lack for mixed wine. Your body is a heap of wheat encircled with lilies. Your breasts are like twin fawns, the young of a gazelle. Your neck is like a tower of ivory. Your eyes are like the pools in Hesebon by the gate of Bath-rabbim: Your nose is like the tower on Lebanon that looks towards Damascus. Your head rises like Carmel; your hair is like draperies of purple; a king is held captive in its tresses. How beautiful you are, how pleasing, my love, my delights! Your very figure is like a palm tree; your breasts are like clusters of grapes. I said: I will climb the palm tree; I will take hold of its branches. Now let your breasts be like clusters of the vine, and the fragrance of your breath like apples, and your mouth like an excellent wine that flows smoothly for my lover, spreading over the lips and the teeth. I belong to my lover and for me he yearns. Come my lover, let us go forth into the field; and spend the night among the villages. Let us go early to the vineyards; and see if the vines are in bloom, if the buds have opened, if the pomegranates have blossomed; There will I give you my love. The mandrakes give fort fragrance, and at our doors are all choice fruits; both fresh and mellow fruits, my lover, I have kept in store for you.
I did not read Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James but I am going to look at the movie. I read the Bible from cover to cover and I am reading it again. I read a chapter a day and since I started reading it in 2013, I am now in Canticle of Canticles/Song of Solomon.
I see and hear many comments about Fifty Shades of Grey. One thing that baffles me is the comparison or the question of choice between reading Fifty Shades of Grey or the Bible. I say read both books then compare.
I believe if people would read the bible and not wait for their pastors/priests to read it then give the homily/sermon, they are dormant. In the bible there is; Sex, love, hate, murder, jealousy, deceit, etc. All kinds of emotions can cross your heart when you read it. Read a chapter a day. It takes more than two years, but then you can compare it to any book. 

I believe in hope. Better days are coming and that is my hope.

It is 2ยบ Fahrenheit and the wind chill feels like -15ยบ F. To all of you who are facing the bitter cold, watch your step as you walk and I hope you get indoors soon and be warm. A wonderful safe day to you and yours.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Ecclesiastes 1:8-10

All things are wearisome, more than one can say. The eye never has enough of seeing, nor the ear its fill of hearing. What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. Is there anything which one can say, “Look! This is something new”? It was here already, long ago; it was here before our time.

Life has changed, but we changed it in so many ways. Some of it is a good thing and some of it is bad thing.

I do not like when I am speaking to an adult their child/children look at me as though I am speaking to them. I know if I did that when I was a child my mother would say, “What are you looking at? The words from my mouth have no color!” You know after that was said you had to look away and stay in your corner or move out of the way. I miss the good old days.

“Watch your step!” was a statement the old folks in Trinbago used to say and they meant it in more ways than one.”

When you get off of your bed, ‘WATCH YOUR STEP’, as you walk so you would not stumble.
When you open your mouth, ‘WATCH YOUR STEP’, as you speak so you would not bumble!
When you are cooking, ‘WATCH YOUR STEP’, as you put in the ingredients so you would not bungle.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

“Absolutely No Meat!”

I have great nostalgic memories of Lent. Ash Wednesday is the day our family stopped eating meat… My mother made sure there wasn’t a single piece of meat in our home. I used to feel very upset, but our parents always explained that we needed to give up something significant for the LORD. The next time we would eat meat is on Easter Sunday. After many years of doing this, I found it to be a great family tradition and a symbol of our appreciation for what the LORD has done for us.
My children used to be flabbergasted that there was not one piece of meat, (ie… animal protein, red meat, white meat, beef, pork, lamb, mutton, chicken)… ABSOLUTELY NO MEAT, in our home. Today, I know that I backslide a bit… I don’t cook meat or used any meat products on Wednesdays and Fridays. On the days of Holy Week, I don’t cook any meat or fish… 

I love the Lenten season. It makes me nostalgic.

On this cold, cold Ash Wednesday, I say a little prayer for you.
Ps 18:6 In my distress I will call upon the LORD and I will cry to my GOD and he will hear my voice out of his temple, and my cry shall come to his ears. Amen.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Carnival time.

It’s bitterly cold, was snowing, about 4 inches on the ground, winter is living up to her name and I had enough, but I am still enjoying life. Many years ago when I just came to America, at this time of the year I used to cry for hot sunny carnival time in Trinidad and Tobago. If I was in Trini I would be playing with Burrokeet, mud all over me and my costume, dancing to the steel band music, with a Carib beer in hand… just enjoying life.
A blessed safe day to you and yours.

Monday, February 16, 2015

“Quotes I like”

Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we've learned something from yesterday. — John Wayne (1907-1979)

Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today. — Thich Nhat Hanh

It's fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure. — Bill Gates

I think it's important to get your surroundings as well as yourself into a positive state - meaning surround yourself with positive people, not the kind who are negative and jealous of everything you do. — Heidi Klum

Never cut a tree down in the wintertime. Never make a negative decision in the low time. Never make your most important decisions when you are in your worst moods. Wait. Be patient. The storm will pass. The spring will come. — Robert H. Schuller

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Life is good!

You can see, you can read and you know all the other good things you are able to do so you are not having a bad day.
If you laughed or smiled you are not having a bad day.
A bad day is not laced with a laugh or a smile. Embrace the happy moments. Enjoy your day and be safe.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Otis Redding —Try a Little tenderness

Happy Valentine’s Day”

Make today romantic, full of intimacy and laughter. She/he will never forget how you make him/her feel. You will be the unforgettable one.
Don’t make it a day about, “I gave you a gift so what am I going to get in return?”
A loving joy filled day to you and yours.

Luther Vandross – Buy Me A Rose

Friday, February 13, 2015

“A story but true” Part 2

Jennifer walked away from Gerald and his wife. Her emotions were running high and her tears blinded her. She wiped her eyes quickly. The items she had in the shopping cart were no longer appealing so she turned, walked away from it and headed out of the store. The twenty minutes it took to get to her home felt like hours. She parked her car and she prayed that everyone in her home were not around because she did not want to talk. Her sister, Pauline was sitting at the dining table eating.
“Hi Jen. What’s going on? Why do you look so distraught?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Did someone do something?”
She sat down and cried for a moment then she said, “Do you remember the guy I told you about.”
“Gerald right?” Pauline asked.
“You never introduced him to us. You know dad and mom would want to meet him?”
“I had planned too bring him home, but he is married.”
“I saw him with a woman and he introduced her to me as his wife.”
“Wow! That is why you are so distraught.  How serious was your relationship with him?”
“I love him and he says he loves me.”
“He has a wife and…
“I wish she was dead!” Jennifer said.
“No! It is unfair to his wife because she did not ask you to be in a relationship with her husband! I had clients who were happy that their husband’s were in extramarital relationships, but this woman doesn’t know you are with her husband. Why do you think you should curse her? Wishing her dead is a curse! You should not curse anyone because that evil prayer will fall on you!”
“I’m sorry, but I love him.”
“I know you are sorry, but loving him doesn’t give you the rights to curse her. He lied to you and he is not trustworthy! Do you have a picture of him?”
Jennifer found one in her wallet and handed it to Pauline. “Oh my God. This is Gerald Harvey and his wife is Carmen. They have three children. Carmen and I work in the same department at social services. She is a very nice person.”
“He has children?”
“Yes, a teenager and eleven year old twins. I have been to their house on many occasions. They are a loving couple and the children are very pleasant. He lied to you. You are pretty, have a nice body, kindhearted and trustworthy. The kind of young lady any parent would be proud of and mom and dad are proud of you. Men like him prey on women like you. Do not let him take away your dignity.”
“You are right. If I knew he was married I would not have gotten involved with him. I still feel hurt, but I feel a lot better talking to you. I am going to end it.”
They were quiet for a moment then Pauline said, “Carmen invited me to a Bar-B-Q this weekend at her home. You can come with me because I know you would be dignified.”
“It would be nice to see how he reacts when he sees me,” Jennifer said smiling deviously…

“A story but true” Part 1

They started dating and everything was great. He did not say no to anything she wanted and she did not say no to him. She thought he was her everything and she was his. One day she was at a restaurant having dinner with friends when she saw him sitting at a table in a corner with a woman. He was holding one of the woman’s hand, brought it to his lips then he placed a gift rapped box in it. This brought a smile to the woman’s lips as she opened the gift. It was a bracelet that looked like the gold one Jennifer was wearing.
This scene played out like one of the intimate moments she spent with him. Her friends were all chatting and laughing so they did not see what she was looking at. She felt hurt and humiliated, but pretended to be enjoying the conversation at the table with hopes that none of her friends see him. This was the man she introduced to them and boasted about. When she got home the hurt she was feeling was on over ride because she couldn’t get him on the phone. He eventually phoned her the next evening. His excuse for not calling was that he was called out to work, his phone was not working in the area he was, he got home very late and he was tried.
“I saw you last night with a woman.” She detailed the clothes he and the woman were wearing.
“Oh damn! I’m so sorry. She doesn’t mean anything to me. I am coming to see you now.”
He came. Gave a speech about how sorry he was, it was the first time he went out with the woman, she means nothing to him, “I love you.”
She was angry, but then as days went by she forgave him. After that incident everything seemed fine until one day she was at the right place at the right time and he was again with the woman. She walked up to them with a happy smile on her face.
“Hi Gerald. This is a surprise.”
He smiled but his eyes were saying please don’t say anything as he said, “Hi Jennifer, this is truly a surprise. I would like to introduce you to my wife… 

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Take a leap of fate.

I believe you have to tempt fate to be successful. Do that risky thing. Do not listen to the negative vibes… “Your idea is stupid! It cannot work! It will not be profitable! It is a waste of time! It will be too costly! Although those unenthusiastic, unconstructive, unhelpful, off-putting, pessimistic, downbeat, harmful, depressing words might be said, you must fulfill your dream/your gift/your passion/your talent. It might end in fame and fortune or misfortune. Whatever the outcome might be, move on to the next chapter of your life. You will never know the result unless you try. Do it and do not live regretting not doing it. 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Since health care became about money. People started dying.

On a personal note. Hats off, to all the people who adopt a child/children and show them kindness.

Paul and Sarah used to nag us to adopt a child. My husband said that you have to be ready and able to do it, but he believes in helping a child if you could. I agreed with him. They were upset and every now and then they would bring up adoption. Adoption is not taking place, but helping a child as much as I could, is my mantra.
One day we saw the movie Orphan. At the dinner table that night we talked about it. Paul said, “When you take someone into your home you are really hoping and praying that they are a good person.”
“True, but since I’ve seen Orphan, I have two minds about adoption,” Sarah said.
“I don’t have two minds. I am not adopting, but I will do what mom and dad do. I am going to help someone as much as I could...

Pay attention to what people say and do.

As the old folks in Trinbago used to say. It’s not the cow that bawl, is the cow that want water... The other cow in the field standing quietly dribbling, dat is the cow dat is thirsty.
When you see goat walking with short rope, doh lengthen it.” Doh feel sorry for maga —(skinny) dog.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Bamboo Cathedral is a must visit when I go to Trinbago. I love the mysterious look as though something very intriguing happens there.
Look at this beautiful picture of Bamboo Cathedral and imagine that it is early morning; you are all alone walking through this beautiful tranquil place. The only sounds you hear are your footsteps. You look at the bamboo and the leaves are still. The moment you get to the middle of it you hear whoosh, as though a gust just went by, but you did not feel it. You are still alone, not even a butterfly, but you continue walking then you hear whoosh again so you stop and look around. Suddenly the bamboo starts to cry. You become mesmerize as they move against each other…moaning and groaning.  

Sunday, February 8, 2015

“Happy Sunday to you and yours”

I believe a lie told about you is a stepping stone to greatness. It is another rung on the ladder to success. Don’t defend it, step on it. 

Saturday, February 7, 2015

As I grow younger, I seem to be getting more passive with whiners. I would listen to them moan and groan about doing this and that for others. I loved my father for his wisdom and his kindness. We had great conversations.

He used to say, “Shut your damn mouth if you are not going to help! If you help don’t complain, just thank God you were able to help.”
And yes I said I am getting younger because I always used to hear Trinbago old folks say, “Once a man, twice a child!” Enjoy your day and be safe.

Friday, February 6, 2015

All I have seen teaches me to trust the creator for all I have not seen.Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)
Trust your own instinct. Your mistakes might as well be your own, instead of someone else's.Billy Wilder (1906-2002)
Now, what is it which makes a scene interesting? If you see a man coming through a doorway, it means nothing. If you see him coming through a window - that is at once interesting.Billy Wilder (1906-2002)

I don’t trust you. Kills love.

Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement. Golda Meir — (1898-1978)

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Be not hasty in your utterance and let not your heart be quick to make a promise in God’s presence. God is in heaven and you are on earth; therefore let your words be few. For nightmares come with many cares, and a fool’s utterance with many words. When you make a vow to God, delay not its fulfillment. For God has no pleasure in fools; fulfill what you have vowed. You had better not make a vow than make it and not fulfill it. Let not your utterance make you guilty, and say not before his representative, “It was a mistake,” lest God be angered by such words and destroy the works of your hands. Rather fear God! Amen.

“They walk around as though it is a feather, in their cap!”

Boasting about their Christianity, yet they lie, cheat and curse… causing disputes among brothers and sisters.
They boast about their Christianity then they complain about the plate of food they gave to their brothers and sisters. God don’t like ugly and he doesn’t care for pretty too. Enjoy your day and be safe.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

There are too many tragic situations that can give you a sleepless night.

I made a rule that I am not going to look or listen to the news at nights. My lock off time for news is 6PM. Any major situation I would hear from a news flash. One came on while I was watching Shark Tank. A metro north train to Valhalla hit an SUV. 6 people were killed and many injured. A family friend takes that train, but I got news that it happened after her stop. The second month in 2015 and destructive events started. LORD, have mercy.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015


There is nothing wrong with having pride and self-importance, but when it is excessive then it’s brainless. I knew some people when I was growing up who were conceited, arrogant, egotistical… Just narcissistic! I used to stay clear of them. It was funny how they did not see how stupid they looked as they walked around with airs and haughtiness. To me they looked as though they never walked into shit. It was nice when they were taken down a peg or two…

“Quotes I Love”

An example I often use to illustrate the reality of vanity, is this: look at the peacock; it's beautiful if you look at it from the front. But if you look at it from behind, you discover the truth... Whoever gives in to such self-absorbed vanity has huge misery hiding inside them.Pope Francis

Vanity, showing off, is an attitude that reduces spirituality to a worldly thing, which is the worst sin that could be committed in the church.Pope Francis

It is just like man's vanity and impertinence to call an animal dumb because it is dumb to his dull perceptions. ― Mark Twain (1835-1910

The truest characters of ignorance are vanity and pride and arrogance. ― Samuel Butler (1835-1902)

All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible. — T. E. Lawrence (1888-1935)

Monday, February 2, 2015

I really cannot stop talking about this. The MMR--- Measles, Mumps and Rubella, shot is important!

Rubella is German measles and if a woman is pregnant and she gets it, she could have a miscarriage or the baby may be born with serious disabilities. I had Rubella when I was 17 and I thought I was going to die because of how sick I was feeling. A fever and a terrible headache were going on for days. All the glands in my neck were swollen. I was covered from head to toe with a red rash that was itching and at one point it hurt. My brown eyes were red and the white had little red dots. When you looked at my finger and toe nails they looked polka dot because of the red dots. Red dots were on the white of my eyes, in the palm of my hands and under the soles of my feet. The doctor in the hospital treated me for allergies because it was Easter and it was sea food time. I went to my private doctor and he said that it was Rubella--- German Measles and he treated me. I am talking about this because Measles, Mumps and Rubella are contagious diseases. They can kill.

“Quotes I Like”

Pick the day. Enjoy it - to the hilt. The day as it comes. People as they come... The past, I think, has helped me appreciate the present - and I don't want to spoil any of it by fretting about the future. Audrey Hepburn, (1929-1993)

I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles. Audrey Hepburn, (1929-1993)

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.Audrey Hepburn, (1929-1993)

I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.Audrey Hepburn, (1929-1993)