Friday, October 31, 2014

“On A Personal Note” My family and I don’t like clowns.

We were at a birthday party for a 3 year old. My son was moving about really enjoying himself as he played games with the children. Suddenly a clown came out and most of the children got excited as they crowded around it. Paul was standing away from it, with a flushed terrified face. He started to walk backwards to me, but he kept his eyes on the clown. When he got to me, he put his head in my lap. “Mom, hold me and don’t let me go.”
Although I knew why he was scared, I asked him what was wrong.
“I don’t like clowns. They are ugly and real scary. Please don’t let it touch me.” His little body was trembling.
I reassured him I would not let it touch him. A year later when he was 4, we went to the circus. The moment the clowns came out, he started to describe them individually. Hearing him opened my eyes to how unattractive they are. I went to the circus 12 years later because my daughter wanted to go. When the clowns came out, Sarah said, “Mom. I don’t like clowns. They are ugly. I wish they did not have them at the circus.  
Clowns are really nerve-racking creatures. There will be clown costumes for Halloween and they will be the ugliest and most troubling. 

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