Sunday, October 12, 2014

“A party with a snake”

Many years ago when I came to the US I went to a party. There were many people and it was going real nice until I asked to use the bathroom. The hostess pointed out where it was and I headed towards it. As I walked along, the door to the basement was open, I glanced in, saw a nice rabbit hopping around, thought it was cute so I smiled then continued to the bathroom. After I used the bathroom, started walking back, glanced again in the basement, a huge snake was slithering towards the rabbit which was trying to get away. My blood ran cold and panic was coming on. I knew I had to get out of there as soon as possible. I went to the hostess and asked her to call me a cab because I wasn’t feeling well. She did and I left. The next day I was told her husband came to the party with the snake around his neck….

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