Sunday, October 19, 2014

Iyanla Vanzant On Own

I hardly looked at Iyanla Fix My Life on Own, but since she had the man who fathered 34 children with 17 different women, I have been looking at it. First of all I must say that Iyanla Vanzant is a graceful, beautiful and influential woman.
During 34 children Fix My Life show, she said many significant things and the first that stood out to me was during a session with some of the mothers. One woman was angry with another one because they were friends and her friend slept with her man. When she was angrily trash talking her friend, Iyanla said, “YOU LET A PENIS PENETRATE YOUR FRIENDSHIP… A PENIS!
Last night’s episode was the continuation of the father with the 34 children and many other men who father children with several women. I was amazed that some of these men had, more than ten even more than twenty children.
Again Iyanla made many noteworthy statements, but the one that stood out to me was, “YOU ARE NOT A STUD IN THE FIELD, MAKING BABIES FOR THE MASTER TO SELL!”

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