Friday, October 24, 2014

.I believe that principals can make the FIRST CLASS BREAKFAST instead of waiting on legislation.

“Remembering Ms. Adams”
Yes she was principal, but she was mother. On the first day of school for my daughter and the 100 plus children in PS 6, Ms. Adams spoke to them. One thing she said that made me skeptical was, “I am going to know each and everyone of you by name before this school year is over.”
“No way,” One parent whispered and I agreed. Another parent who was sitting close to us said, “She will. I have a son in this school. One day I was sitting in his class and Miss Adams came in, pointed at each child then she said their name. When she was finished they were all standing up smiling and clapping their hands. Trust me she will know their names.”
So said so done. She knew my daughter’s and the other student’s names. She even knew the parents. Every time she and I crossed paths she used to say, “Sarah’s mommy, how are you?”
On mornings when the children arrived they were allowed to play in the yard and those who wanted breakfast were given breakfast, whether or not they had the money to pay. She was welcoming to parents, children etc.

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