Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Peace of mind, composure, equanimity, calmness, coolness, self-possession, serenity

I remember when I was a child I spent my day sitting in the yard of the home I grew up in. I used to sit under the Governor plum tree — (A Governor Plum is a small round brownish red color fruit. You have to roll and squeeze it in the palms of your hand, to get the soft texture and the sweetness.)
Sitting in the yard was filled with moments of quietude and I loved it. The sky would always be out of the ordinary and the atmosphere around was always amazing. If I am not sick with bronchitis, as I used to be, my day would end with me falling peacefully asleep, as soon as I lie down. Today I must say that at nights I fall peacefully asleep as soon as I lie down. I thank God for that.

A blessed safe day to you and yours. 

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