Monday, October 13, 2014

Hazing; To persecute or torture somebody in a lesser position. eg; fraternity pledge. This time the torture was rape.

7 Sayreville High School, New Jersey, football players were charged with the hazing and sexual assault of 4 team mates. I thank God for the strength and courage of the young men who reported the incident. There are many situations of that nature that is going on and the victims don’t come forward. Shame and blaming themselves are the main culprits of their silence. I appreciate all the men and women who come forward and admit that he/she is gay. I say it is a good thing that they are honest and truthful to themselves and to others. What pisses me off, is the man who complains about the gay man, hurting him physically and mentally, yet he is having sex with men. His point is that, he just likes to have sex with men and women. I say that they are dishonest men who are living in a fool’s paradise, hiding their homosexuality. I don’t like them.

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