Friday, October 3, 2014

Snoop, pry, poke your nose in, etc., is not a good thing

I did not know that she was a snoop. All I knew is that she did not like me. She always found something wrong with what I said or did. I eventually got rid of her by her own doing.
We were having friends over and although I did not want my out of favor friend to come, I couldn’t write the invitation to her relatives, excluding her. When they arrived, she and I greeted each other pleasantly, but I was ready to put her in her little place, if she did or say anything out of line to me. Everything was going fine although she had a cold appearance towards me. Yes this woman was in my home acting this way towards me. I decided to speech her off, but she went to use the bathroom, so I waited patiently for her to return. Suddenly I heard a sound as though glass broke. I realized what happened and I looked at my husband and I said, “You did not fix it?”
He chuckled, shook his head and said, “Oh gosh. I forgot.”
“That is a real mess,” I said, but I was smiling because I felt that it was damn good and I did not have to say anything thing to her.
When I was cleaning the bathroom earlier that day I took out the shelves in the medicine cabinet. It was a bit difficult to put them back so I leaned them up inside the cabinet, told my husband about it because he usually fixes it. She opened the medicine cabinet; the shelves fell into the sink and shattered. Embarrassment endorsed her last visit to my home…

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