Sunday, October 5, 2014

Since I know myself, my so called uncle George Huggins and my so called aunt, Agatha Huggins Simon, were not nice to me. They were very insulting.
All we said to each other when our paths crossed was, “Hello Uncle George. Hello Aunty Gatha,” I would say.
“Hello,” Was the response from them. Not another word.
Agatha was very delicate in her insulting ways, but George was a different story. He did not like me and he showed it. He used to have a Bar-B-Q every year around carnival time. One day I saw my father dressed to go out and the rest of the family getting dressed. I asked where they were going and he told me to George’s Bar-B-Q.”
He is having a Bar-B-Q?” I asked.
“Yes. You did not know?”
I told him no and then I went to my so called mother, George’s sister and asked her about it. She said, “George is having a Bar-B-Q, but he did not tell me to invite you so I did not tell you about it.”
“Who is going to it?”
“He invited all of us, except you.”
They all left and went to the Bar-B-Q. I was hurt, that I was not being included in a family gathering, but I was not surprised that he excluded me.  
George is not even nice to some of his children. He has 3 children, a son and 2 daughters in England from his first marriage. He hates their mother so he hates them too. His parents left him and his siblings land. My so called mother signed all of her land over to him so he has land galore, but all of his holdings are for the two daughters that he has with his second wife. And you can call that GEORGE!

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