Sunday, April 17, 2011

“The Worst Kinda Man”

He was a man and she felt that it was safe to confide in him… The men she grew up with, her father and brothers were all respectable men. She never heard them gossiping or talking ill about anyone. Because of their attitudes, she assumed that all men were like this… How wrong she was…
He always listened attentively to her and he gave her good advice. She did not know that he was telling all that she told him, to two of his friends. These women he was talking to did not like her, so it would be a feather in their caps to hear her life stories… This went on for a very long time until one of the women approached her… She said, “I know that I am the last person you expect to speak to you, but I want to tell you some truths about your confidant… He is the worst kind of man there is… “A MAUVAIS LANGUE (MO-VAY-LANG) MAN!

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