Wednesday, April 27, 2011

“Humans… Hmm”

I don’t know what it is about me, but at times I feel overwhelmed by humans… That’s why I sometimes say, “Oh gosh humans… somebody please give me a dog… hmm."
I was last in line to buy a metro card. The moment I stood in front of a machine and started my purchase, a man came and stood very close to my right. I turned around and looked at him seriously then said, “Why are you standing so close to me. Do you know me?”
“I don’t know you! I don’t know you and I don’t want to F…ing know you!” he shouted.
“So why are you standing close to me?”
He stepped back, but continued shouting that he did not know me. I did not say anything, but continued with my purchase, keeping my wits about me. Another day another human situation… Yesterday I was waiting in line to pay for my purchase. A man stood next to me… I turned and watched him. He said, “Miss, can I please pay for this item, before you?”
I said, “No.”
“It is just one item?”
“I also have one item.” I said as I looked at him stunned.
The man ignored me, cut in front of me, walked up to the counter, handed the casher his money and she gave him a bag…

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