Friday, April 29, 2011

“The Aggravating Noise”

Every night at 11:30, a vehicle with the sound of a diesel engine would drive down the street. The first time he heard it was a night he came in from work feeling exhausted. He showered and lay on his bed, but couldn’t sleep. It was 11:00PM, and he was tossing and turning. Finally he fell into a deep sleep. Suddenly he woke up, and wondered why he did; then he heard the vehicle. It moved slowly, so the sound took a while to dissipate. He looked at the time and he knew that he was asleep, for twenty minutes. Now he was tossing and turning again. The next morning he told his wife and kids about the vehicle, but they didn’t hear it. A few days later he and the neighbor talked about it, and how aggravated they were by it. They eventually found out that it was a Mercedes, which belonged to another neighbor. He knew it didn’t make sense to speak to the neighbor about it, yet every morning he was aggravated. Time went by, and he woke up day after day feeling restful. He didn’t realize that he had gotten used to the sound of the engine and it relaxed him. One night he tossed and turned, not able to sleep. He was aggravated and said to his wife it must be the sound of the car.
“It couldn’t possibly be the car, it was sold and the new owner picked it up yesterday,” she said…

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