Saturday, April 16, 2011

“Pay Attention”

If you don’t want a relationship with him/her do not accept gifts from him/her.
Let the man take the lead in your relationship… Do not shower him/her with gifts. If you meet a man and you have no way of communicating with him… then you sit back and watch how he handles that… If he wants to communicate with you then he would make it possible to do so… Do not get him a phone to call you… You are not the only one he is going to be calling on the phone. The other people in his life will be using that phone… There are other ways of communicating… If he doesn’t take the lead in the relationship move on… Not because he has a nice voice, a fit body and a handsome face… Not because she has a nice voice, is pretty, nice body makes him/her the man/woman to try your best to keep in your life… Start listening to him/her talk… how he/she addresses you… how he/she carries him/herself… Pay attention.

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