Tuesday, April 12, 2011

“Moving At A Fast Pace”

I was just thinking about my life as a child and how great it was. Every thing moved at a slow pace and I loved it. No one was in a hurry to live life… Children took their time to grow-up, but today it’s a different story… Life has change so drastically that it is mind-boggling. Everyone that I meet today looks a bit worried. All the people I speak to have a situation that is stressful. It’s as though life is passing many of us by, without an ounce of complete happiness. It feels as though we are being held for ransom. We keep paying and they keep asking for more”…
Yesterday, I overheard two women speaking. One of them was very upset. She went to withdraw some money from her bank account and she was unable too. Her bank changed the limit of withdrawal from the ATM. It was changed from $20.00 to $50.00. She said she paid all her bills, was left with $40.00 and she needed $20.00…

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