Friday, April 15, 2011

“Another Day Another Story”

She had her baby, the baby was premature so they kept him in the hospital and she was sent home… The stress of childbirth and leaving her baby behind depressed her. While walking one day she stood on the over-pass looking down at the cars speeding down the highway and a thought came across her mind… She felt like climbing over the rail and jumping over… If she dies it will all be over… no more depression… then a picture of her son’s sweet little face flowed into her mind and she walked away…
So many are going through situations that are vexatious to the spirit…
“Thank God for making me see another day... I know what I am faced with so far as the day is progressing.... I don't know what you are faced with but all I can say to you is... Fear not, stand your ground and you would see the victory the LORD will win for you today. The LORD himself will fight for you; you have only to keep still. Ex. 14:13-14

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