Wednesday, April 13, 2011

"The Crazy Woman"

Some people love to blame others for the problems in their lives. They don’t ever realize that their pessimistic attitude is the cause of it all… 75% of a person’s sickness is psychological… 75% of the cure is psychological… She met a so-called friend she had not seen in many years and they started chatting. Her so-called friend told her that she was gravely ill, but she is feeling a lot better. She felt happy for her and extended her best wishes. The so-called friend thanks her, but then started to speak negatively, saying, “My doctor said that I am healed, but I don’t believe him. I honestly don’t trust him.”
“You should get a second opinion.”
“I did and this doctor is the third doctor I have been too. I feel they are all in cahoots.” She was a bit stunned by what she was hearing and she did not know what to say. A moment of silence passed. Then, her so-called friend said, “Do you remember, that, the last time I saw you we had lunch?”
“I got very sick after and I believe that you are responsible for my illness.”
Stunned was an understatement to how she was feeling. She stood with her mouth opened, looking at this crazy woman…

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