Saturday, April 2, 2011

“Another Spooky Night”

The night was dark. The moon was not out, nor was a single star in the sky. We were walking home from a late night movie. The five of us were talking about the move and the parts that scared us. In the distance, there was a crossroad and I saw someone standing on one of the roads that led to it.
“Do you guys see someone in the road?”
“Yes,” they all said.
“What time is it?” I asked.
“One of my friends said, ‘It’s 3:00AM.”
“You guys know that this hour is the witching hour?”
“And you had to remind us,” said another one of my friends.
It was a woman who was standing in the road. As we got closer, she started to walk towards the middle of the crossroad. We all stopped and she stopped. The moment we started walking again, she started to walk. She stood in the middle of the road, blocking our way.
“Do you guys know that woman?” I asked.
They all said no. The hairs on my hand stood up and my blood ran cold. The road that we were on was a shorter route to where we lived and we were 5 minutes away from our homes. I started to walk backwards and my friends followed me. The woman started to walk back to where she was originally standing…

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