Saturday, October 30, 2010

“Saved By The Bank”

She sat in the taxi waiting for the driver to get the amount of passengers he needed, to make his trip to Port-of-Spain. A man was sitting in the front seat and the driver stood outside the car. She said good morning to the man, but he did not answer. Before she got into the car, she saw 2 men standing about 30 feet from the car. They did not look as though they knew each other, but for some odd reason she kept her eyes on them. The driver got in behind the wheel. The two men started walking towards the car. When they got to it, one entered on the right and the other on the left putting her in the middle. A strange feeling shot through her body and she knew she had to get out of the car. A silent prayer crossed her mind as she thought about what to say. The driver started the car and pulled out into the traffic. She opened her handbag, pretended to be looking for something, then said to the driver. “I have to make a quick stop at the bank. I forgot some papers that I would need for a meeting.
“When you get to your meeting, call the bank and ask them to fax it,” said the man on her right.
This suggestion, had her more anxious. She did not want to make any of them aware of her fears, so in a calm tone she said, “We are near the bank. It’s not going to take a lot of time for me to get the papers. Are you very busy?”
“Come on guys you all know that this bitch is not comfortable around all this testosterone,” said the man on the left.
“She must be a lesbian,” said the man sitting in the front.
“Oh really. You guys probably don’t have a mother, or you probably just don’t like women.”
“Calm down guys. Let the woman go and get her papers. We did see her go into the bank earlier, and she just came out,” said the driver.
She realized that the men were all friends and they were looking at her movements. In her mind she prayed for the driver to stop, and he did...

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