Tuesday, November 2, 2010

“Flatbush Avenue”

I don’t like shopping on Flatbush Avenue. The last time I shopped there, I purchased something that I thought I really needed. It was an emergency purchase. The rain was falling, so I bought 2 umbrellas. I used my credit card to make the purchase, and I received a slip of paper from a small cash register. I looked at it to make sure the print was legible then I put it in my coat pocket. Today, I pulled out the receipt and started reading it. The name, address and phone number of the store is on the receipt, the date, a batch number, type of credit card, the last 4 numbers of the card, my name, expiry date, and my signature. The two umbrellas that I purchased were not written on the receipt, but these people got my information…
I was not surprised to see this because for many years, shopping on Flatbush Avenue has been questionable to me; the receipt that you receive after a purchase is a little slip of paper. In most cases, the print is faded so you cannot see what is written on it. If you return something, (it doesn’t even matter if it’s 5 minutes after your purchase), you cannot get back the money you paid. You have to take something else from the store. When shopping with your credit card or bankcard, your purchase must be $10.00 plus. After remembering why I don’t like to shop on Flatbush Avenue, I am thinking that I should have pulled the hood of my coat over my head, and walk through the rain…

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