Thursday, November 11, 2010

“Macho or Stupid”

He and his wife’s relationship, was great, and he did not have any reason to stray, but a woman, he knew was challenging him for a romp.
“Nobody will ever know. Not even your wife,” she whispered to him one day. Just call me any time.”
He decided that he was going to call her, the moment he got the chance. It did not take long for the opportunity to come his way. The company his wife worked for asked the staff to work over-time to fill in the space of the workers who were on vacation. Her double-shift, was coming soon, and she knew it was going to be hectic, so she decided to have a romantic evening with him before it started. In preparation for it, she purchased, red sexy lingerie and hid it in her drawer. She knew that he goes through her things, but she hoped he did not find it. The opportunity to have the time with him never came. He told her he had to work over-time, but the work he was really doing was a touch-up and feel-up situation with the woman. One day it got very heated, between them, so he took her to his home and they did the unthinkable on his marriage bed. After she left, he thought about the romp. He did have fun, but to him, romping with his wife always left him feeling out of this world, this woman didn’t do that for him. “How stupid,” he thought and wondered if she would be true to her word, about silence? He looked around the bedroom to make sure every thing was in order, then he rummage through his wife’s chest of drawers, for no apparent reason. The bag with the lingerie caught his eyes and he opened it. This piece of lingerie looked strange to him. Most of his wife’s lingerie was black and other colors… nothing in red. He believed that the woman put it there, so he hid it…

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