Thursday, October 7, 2010

“Time Waits On No Man”

I am just like time… I wait on no man. There are some places I don’t like to be late for; church, school and work are the top places on my list. If I am late, I must have a valid reason.
I was heading to my college class for my finals. I had every thing in place. Our exam was an open book, so after I was finished studying, I put my textbook in my bag along with every thing that I needed for class. As the time was drawing close for me to leave home, anxiety set in, but I tried my best to stay calm. I finally left home. When I got on the bus, I knew I would get to class twenty minutes before it started. I decided to look over some of the notes I had highlighted in my textbook. When I opened my bag, my book was not in it. Being freaked out was an understatement. I phoned home and told my husband to look for it, while I headed home to retrieve it. I sat in a taxi and was praying that every streetlight we came too was on green, but no luck in that department. My husband phoned me and told me that our son had it in his bedroom. When I got home, I was ready to reprimand my five year old, but he said, “I am sorry, I just wanted to see the inside of the human body.” I told him it was okay then I took the book and got back into the waiting taxi. I looked at my watch and I knew I would be twenty minutes late for my exam. Time really, doesn’t wait on any man.

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