Friday, October 22, 2010

“The TV”

The television stopped working and I was waiting and watching to see who would miss it first… One day went by and no one said anything. I smiled thinking that they all preferred the radio. It was playing some real good music. After the third day, my husband said, “You know the television is not working?” I told him yes, but I was waiting to see who would miss it first. He said, “Cool. Let’s wait and see.” We watched our children day in and day out. None of them said anything until the seventh day. My daughter went to turn it on to play the Wii. She shouted, “Mom the TV is not working!”
I shouted, “I know!”
“Oh. What happened to it? I want to play My Sims.”
“I don’t know. It just stopped working.”
“I’m really upset about that.” She took up her DS and started playing it, while she complained to her brother about it. He was surprised that it wasn’t working. My husband and I are still waiting and watching to see how long it would take them to be really aggravated that we don’t have a TV. We both think that the radio does a great job with the news and music…

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