Monday, October 18, 2010


I baked some vanilla butter cookies then I iced the top and sprinkled some colorful sprinkles on them before the icing dried. The taste tasters all gave me thumbs up. I still wasn’t sure how good they tasted because they were close family members, so I felt that they were saying that to appease me. Some friends and other family members tasted the cookies and they liked them. One evening, while I was home alone, I opened the cookie container and saw that there were five remaining cookies. I put them on a plate and made a cup of tea. I took up a cookie and bit it. My taste buds exploded with delight. I looked at the other four on my plate and wondered why I didn’t taste them before. Deciding to eat them slowly, I sat in front of the computer and proceeded to edit my book. After I read two pages I ate one cookie. It tasted better than the first, so I ate another. While I ate, I kept looking at my plate. I was down to the last two, so I edited three pages of my book then ate a cookie… continued editing then put my hand to pick up the last cookie. I felt nothing, so I looked down. There were no more cookies. I looked around to see if someone took my last cookie…

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