Thursday, October 21, 2010

“Weirdest Interview”

She was heading to an interview for a job. A well-dressed man was in front of her. The moment he got to the elevator, the doors opened and he stepped in. She started running towards it and shouted, “Hold the door!” He looked at her smiled, but didn’t attempt too hold it, so the doors closed. She shook her head and waited for the next elevator to the tenth floor. When she arrived on the floor, the man was walking away from speaking to another man. He pushed the door to the room she was heading to, and he walked through. The door swung towards her and she stopped it, before it hit her in the face. In the back of her mind she was thinking of all the unpleasant words she should say to him, but it was imperative that she kept her composure. She had been out of work for many months and she needed this job. A pleasant demeanor, she hoped, will work in her favor. The moment she walked through the door, an elderly woman walked up to her and smiled. “You got the job.”
“What!” she exclaimed.
“I know you are thinking that you haven’t been interviewed, but you were. The gentleman who didn’t hold the doors for you was testing you. He wanted to see how you would handle situations like the ones you were faced with this morning…

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