Saturday, October 9, 2010

“A Real Sad Story”

He was 20 and enjoying life, but then he was faced with a terribly tragedy. His brother, who was 16, drowned in a river. The pain he felt from hearing this was heart wrenching. He went to the river, so did all the other members of his family. The tears were flowing from them all as they waited for his body to be found. All the divers were well equipped with all the necessary gears as they went into the water, but they could not find him. He told his mother that he could find him, but the master diver insisted that if they can’t find him, no one else could. This aggravated him, so he decided not to stay by the river. Later that day, the divers came out of the river with the same report. His mother got to the point where she insisted that her son could dive and get his brother. The master diver finally agreed to let him dive. When he arrived, his brother’s friends pointed to where he went in the water. He knew it was a life or death situation because he may not surface, but his adrenaline was pumping. His mother reassured him that he could do it. He took off his boots, shirt and with out diving equipment, he dove into the river. The anticipation he felt, gave him the strength… he knew he was going to bring his brother to the bank of the river. The current pulled at him as he swam and he allowed it. He went deeper and deeper. At one point, his lungs felt overwhelmed and he prayed that he was at the exact spot his brother was. He swung his hand, felt the waist of a pants and he pulled it. The body moved and he knew that it was his brother. With one hand holding the waist of the pants, he started his ascent. He knew if he did not get to the surface soon he would drown. When he finally saw the sunlight and the bank of the river, he gasped. The divers came and took his brother. At that moment, he felt like lying back in the water and allowing it to take him where, ever it wanted. A friend quickly got into to the river and helped him out of it…

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