Sunday, October 24, 2010

“The Dare”

Her son, who was 4 years, walked along side her while she was shopping. Her hands were filled with bags, so she decided to go home. They walked by a store and there was a red fire truck in the window. He asked her to buy it. She told him that she would buy it for him another day. He stood up, stamped his feet and shouted that he wanted it.
“I am not buying it today.”
He said that he would throw away the candy he was eating, if she did not buy it for him.
Livid was an understatement to how she was feeling. “How dare you challenge me?” She looked at him. He with his little unmannerly self threw away his candy. She smiled then looked to see if the bus was coming. He said, “So, you not buying me the fire truck?”
She told him no. He said, “You made me throw away my candy and you still not buying it?” She told him she did not tell him to throw away his candy. The bus came and they got on. He started to cry.
She knew that one thing he would always remember is never to dare her…

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