Saturday, October 2, 2010

“My Food”

After a hectic morning at the office, I was anxious to go to lunch. I need to get away from the monotony of it all. My boss was the main factor in my day. He was going on a business trip so he had me busy putting his to-do-list together. The best thing he said to me was that I can go home after he leaves. The next best thing of my day was going to be the moment I sat eating the leftovers from my Thanksgiving dinner. The moment he left, I put the container with the, fried turkey, roasted turkey, corn bread and sausage stuffing, macaroni pie, lasagna, vegetable rice, stew chicken, collard greens with smoked turkey, and spaghetti delight in the microwave to hot. Then I put the potato salad, lettuce, tomatoes, watercress and cucumber salad, a glass of sorrel and a piece of red velvet cake, on the table.
The aroma of the food filled the kitchen. The microwave beeped and I took out my food, and immediately started to eat.
“What smells so good,” asked one of my co-workers. Before I could answer, two others came into the kitchen and asked the same question… One of them said, “I should have known it was your food. The aroma is always good, so I think it’s about time I tasted it.” They all agreed with her. She picked up a fork, took up my food and started eating. I watched as she passed the bowl to the others and they all ate from it. They eventually handed me the bowl and thanked me for a great meal…

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