Saturday, July 3, 2010

“Stalker or Coincidence”

The first time he recalled seeing her was while he was reversing his car, out of his driveway. She was an attractive woman, with a nice figure. A week after, she walked by him, while he was going to his college class. He said good morning, but she didn’t answer. Her non-response didn’t upset him, but he felt she was strange. After class he headed to his three to eleven job. On the way there, he stopped at a traffic light. The woman pulled up along side him, but didn’t look his way, so he shrugged his shoulder and continued on his way. He arrived at his job, and stood outside talking to his boss. She drove-by slowly, looked at him then sped away.
“Who is that?” His boss asked.
“I have been seeing her everywhere. It’s kind of freaky.”
“You better watch yourself. There are some crazies out in this world.”
Thoughts of the woman played on his mind, while he worked. At 11:15PM, he left the office. When he got to his car, the sudden, noise of a car starting caught his attention. He looked just in time to see her driving out of the parking lot. This time his blood ran cold.
He wondered if she was stalking him or if it was just a coincidence.

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