Thursday, July 22, 2010

“fOoLiSh ThInGs Us PaReNtS dO” 2

When my daughter turned two, I kept a birthday party for her, with her cousins and friends. Books are my family’s idea of a real gift. For her first birthday, one of her aunts bought her some plastic books that she could read when she was taking her bath. Another one of her aunts bought her a book that was special to the both of them. After the party, I realized that these books were missing. I knew her cousins didn’t take them, so it had to be one of our friends. This upset me a bit but I felt that since her name was written in the books, the parent of the child who took it would return it. Days turned into weeks and weeks into a month and I didn’t receive a phone call about them.
I was feeling embarrassed to ask any of them about it. For many months, my relatives and I talked about it, because we wanted to know who took the books. Some time later, I was talking to a friend and she told me about a situation with her son and a friend of hers. Her son went visiting her friend and he took a toy. The friend called her and told her that her son wants his toy. I asked her if she returned it. She said she did, but she didn’t know why her friend was making such a fuss about the stupid toy. She said that the toy looked cheap and she was sure her friend bought it in the 99 cents store. I listened to her ranting and then it hit me… Her son must have taken my daughter’s books.

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