Wednesday, July 28, 2010

“No Woman Walks Away From Anything That Is Good.”

They were a beautiful couple. He was always very attentive, polite and giving to her. Many of us… her friends talked about him and how desirable he was... the ideal man… just perfect, but one day she left him. He came crying to us and we felt sorry for him. When she eventually contacted us, we didn’t wait to hear her side, we accused her. She didn’t try to defend her self. After she hung up, we stayed on the phone trashing her. One night at our dinner table, my mother started talking about her friend leaving her husband after 25 years of marriage. My dad in a matter of fact voice said, “No woman walks away from anything that is good.”
I told him that my girl friend walked out on her husband and he was a good man.
“He might be a good man from the things you see him do when you are in his presence, but you don’t know what happens behind closed doors.” My father had me thinking, so I phone my friend. She answered on the first ring…

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