Wednesday, July 21, 2010

"My Money"

I ordered some items from an associate who makes and sells artwork. When I came into contact with him, he was making preparations to move to Georgia. The week before he left, he dropped off some pieces for me to look at. I loved some of them, so I made a purchase. My bill total was two hundred and twenty dollars. The day the gentleman arrived for the payment was the day he was leaving for Georgia. I put the items I didn’t want in a box, counted out two hundred and twenty dollars and put it in an envelope. I ran down the stairs, passing my neighbor whom I said a quick hello to. When I got to the front door, the man checked the box to see what was left. Then, he took out his book and tallied my bill. We both agreed that the total was two hundred and twenty dollars. I took the money out of the envelope and counted it. One hundred and twenty dollars was missing. I became anxious, told him to wait a moment then I ran up the stairs quickly. A twenty-dollar bill was on one of the steps, but I didn’t find the hundred-dollar bill. My neighbor whom I passed a moment ago was standing on the steps above. I asked her if she saw the money, but she said she did not. I had some money in my apartment but it was less than one hundred dollars. I felt ashamed, but I went back to the man, told him what happened, and asked him if he would take a check for the full amount. He told me that he preferred cash. I eventually went to the bank and got him the money. Time went by and the events of that day, stayed on my mind. One day, about a year later, I walked into the elevator and my neighbor was in it. She told me that she had not seen me for a while and it seems as though I was avoiding her. I told her I wasn’t. She said that she feels that I am because I probably believed that she took my money…

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