Monday, July 5, 2010

“She Frightened Me”

I met all of his relatives before we got married. His parents, brothers and sisters all loved him. The only negative thing I heard about him was from his elderly aunt. This woman called me Miss, although I told her my name. Something about her did not sit right with my spirit, so I avoided her. One day, I ended up in a room with her. I was praying for him to come and rescue me, because I didn’t want to converse with her. She held my hand then started to talk.
“Miss, you are too pretty to be with that young man.”
“He treats me the way I want to be treated and I am very happy with him.”
“One of these days you would see the true him.”
“The true him?”
“Yes. He has a split personality.”
She had a look on her face that frightened me.

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