Friday, November 16, 2012

“You Take Care Of Him”
He walked into a very expensive woman’s shoe store to buy a pair of shoes for his wife~ Two Caucasian sales representatives looked at him seriously in a tone that said, “What are you doing in this store?” One of them walked away and the other said to the only African American sales rep, “You take care of him …”
She felt hurt, but she smiled and said, “Can I help you?”
“Yes. My wife sent me to this store to buy a pair of shoes for her. Do you work on commission?”
“I do,” She said.
He asked to speak to the manager who reluctantly came to him. He told her that he was going to purchase 12 pairs of shoes, “Please make sure that the young lady who is attending to him gets her entire commission … I am going to speak to management to make sure that she does.” He turned to the sale rep, “Please bring me 12 pairs of the most expensive shoes you have in the store … After choosing he will give her the size and color…

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