Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Down By The River Liv’d A Maiden Published 1863; basis for the 1884 “Clementine” By Percy Montrose.
Real Sad
Down by the river there lived a maiden,~ In a cottage built seven by nine,~ And all around this lubly bower,~ The beauteous sunflower blossoms twine.
(Chorus) Oh! My Clema, Oh! My Clema,~ Oh! My darling Clementine,~ Now you are gone and lost forever,~ I’m dreadful; sorry Clementine.
Her lips were like two luscious beefsteaks~ Dipp’d in tomato sauce and brine,~ And like the cashmere goatess covering~ Was the fine wool ob Clementine.~ (Chorus)
Her foot, Oh! Golly! Twas a beauty,~ Her shoes were made ob Dig-by pine,~ Two herring boxes without the tops on~ Just made the sandals ob Clementine,~ (Chorus)
One day de wind was blowing awful~ I took her down some old rye wine,~ And listened to de sweetest cooings,~ Oh my sweet sunflower Clementine.~ (Chorus)
De ducks had gone done to de riber,~ To drive dem back she did incline,` She Stubb’d her toe and Oh! Kersliver,~ She fell into the foamy brine.~ (Chorus)
I see’d her lips above de water,~ A blowing bubbles bery fine,~ But ‘turnt no use I want no swimmer,~ And so I lost my Clementine,~ (Chorus)
Now ebry night down by the riber,~ Her ghostess walks long half past nine~ I know tis her a kase I tracked her,~ And de smell tis Clementine.~ (Chorus)
Now all young men by me take warning,~ Don’t gib your ladies too much rye wine,~ Kase like as not is this wet wedder,~ Dey’ll share de fate ob Clementine

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