Wednesday, November 21, 2012

“Marinate/Soak Turkey
It is not too late to marinate/soak your turkey. This is how I prepare my turkey for roasting/frying.
1. I submerge my turkey in a bucket filled with water that has; 2 cups of lime/lemon juice, ½ cup vinegar and 1 cup salt. Cover the bucket and leave it to marinate/soak for 3 to 4 hours.
2. While the turkey is marinating/soaking get your seasoning ready. This is the seasoning I use. I blend in vinegar/lime/lemon juice, onion, cilantro, scallions, ginger and lots of garlic.
3. Take turkey out of the bucket, put into a bowl, in the kitchen sink and wash outside and inside of the turkey… plucking out the feathers that I find.
4. I put the turkey in a baking pan then I seasoned with the blended mixture, adding salt and black pepper. Leave it to marinate/soak for at least five hours or more. The longer you leave it to marinate/soak the more scrumptious it tastes…

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